Valen's Bank
Ashigo's species currency
"Hello... My name is Clamp and I am the banker here in Valen."
Click here for the bank masterlist
Everyone's balances are currently managed underneath the Bank masterlist, you can find out how it works exactly by following the link.What is Clayiod coins?
Clayiod coins or known as CC are the species currency!

What can I do with Clayiod coins?
You can use CC to buy species items from Kaizu's shop and to trade/buy with other members in the ashigo community.
How do I get Clayiod coins?
You can get Clayiod coins by participating in events, giveaways in offical ashigo discord server and through submitting art to the official ashigo devaintart group
CC art grading
Gift art / Event | Personal |
Headshot - 7 CC | Headshot - 5 CC |
Fullbody - 12 CC | Fullbody - 10 CC |
Shading - +3 CC | Shaing - +2 CC |
Simple background - +5 CC | Simple background - +4 CC |
Complex background - +10 CC | Complex background - +8 CC |
Simple Animation - +8 CC | Simple background - +6 CC |
Complex Animation - +25 CC | Complex background - +20 CC |
Drawing the ashigo of the month - +10 CC |
Please note due to this being a new system the payout amounts are subject to change.